Thursday, October 02, 2008


Saturday October 4, 2008 9:00AM- 12:00
Limoneira Pavilion 55 Hallock Dr.


9:00 AM Welcome
Chief Rick Araiza- Santa Paula Fire Chief
Chief Steve Mackinnon- Santa Paula Police Chief
Kay Bolton- Santa Paula Fire Chaplain
9:10 What is a disaster and how will it impact us
Captain Steve Lazenby- Santa Paula Disaster Preparedness Coordinator
9:25 Developing a disaster plan for home, business, and the faith based community
Dale Franz- Emergency Services Manager American Red Cross of Ventura County
9:45 Tools and organizations that will help
Connie Hall- VOAD (Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster)
Jock Doss- Ventura County Human Services Agency
Tracy Vail- Humane Society of Ventura County Santa Paula
XXXXXXX- Santa Paula Hospital
Wayne Francis- Auxiliary Communications Service (ACS)
Mike Gray- Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
10:30 BREAK
10:35 Pandemic Flu, etc.
Dan Wall RN. PHN- Emergency Preparedness Office Ventura County Public Health
11:00 Public Information, Notification and Reverse 911
Cynthia Elliot- Ventura County Sheriffs Office of Emergency Services
11:10 Red Cross Shelters
Dale Franz- Emergency Services Manager American Red Cross of Ventura County
11:20 Salvation Army- Katherine Fidermutz
11:30 Questions and Answers- All attendees and presenters
11:50 Conclusions and Action Items
12:00 Show and tell