Thursday, November 13, 2008

Santa Paula and Ojai CERT joint drill (Golden Gaurdian)

Ojai Valley Emergency Preparedness Exercise (11/15/08) (Golden Guardian 2008 & Ojai Valley Community Response Teams)

Reno International Airport Incident Command Vehicle

I attended the 2008 Reno Air Races with some friends and ran across this! We had the opportunity to look the vehicle over, it was loaded with just about everything you could imagine and then some!

November 4, 2008 Graduating CERT class!

November 4, 2008- Graduating class!

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Capt. Steve Lazenby

Capt. Steve Lazenby
Another Great post by Ojai CERT

Thursday, October 02, 2008


Saturday October 4, 2008 9:00AM- 12:00
Limoneira Pavilion 55 Hallock Dr.


9:00 AM Welcome
Chief Rick Araiza- Santa Paula Fire Chief
Chief Steve Mackinnon- Santa Paula Police Chief
Kay Bolton- Santa Paula Fire Chaplain
9:10 What is a disaster and how will it impact us
Captain Steve Lazenby- Santa Paula Disaster Preparedness Coordinator
9:25 Developing a disaster plan for home, business, and the faith based community
Dale Franz- Emergency Services Manager American Red Cross of Ventura County
9:45 Tools and organizations that will help
Connie Hall- VOAD (Volunteer Organizations Active in Disaster)
Jock Doss- Ventura County Human Services Agency
Tracy Vail- Humane Society of Ventura County Santa Paula
XXXXXXX- Santa Paula Hospital
Wayne Francis- Auxiliary Communications Service (ACS)
Mike Gray- Community Emergency Response Team (CERT)
10:30 BREAK
10:35 Pandemic Flu, etc.
Dan Wall RN. PHN- Emergency Preparedness Office Ventura County Public Health
11:00 Public Information, Notification and Reverse 911
Cynthia Elliot- Ventura County Sheriffs Office of Emergency Services
11:10 Red Cross Shelters
Dale Franz- Emergency Services Manager American Red Cross of Ventura County
11:20 Salvation Army- Katherine Fidermutz
11:30 Questions and Answers- All attendees and presenters
11:50 Conclusions and Action Items
12:00 Show and tell

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

American Red Cross to offer D.A.T. in Santa Paula

American Red Cross will be offering their D.A.T. (Disaster Action Team) training at the train depot in Santa Paula on September 13, 2008 8:30 AM to 5:00PM For reservations call (805) 339-2234 ext 235. or go to or

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Santa Paula CERT to assist with Ghost Walk

This years annual Ghost Walk will be held at the Santa Paula Airport. The Santa Paula Community Emergency Response Team has been asked to provide assistance by helping the Ghost Walkers make a safe transition across the runway. Visit their website and check back for further information Ghost Walk

Santa Paula CERT recieves 501 (c) (3) Status

As of July 31,2008, the Santa Paula Community Emergency Response Team is now a 501 (c) (3).

Friday, August 08, 2008

2nd Annual Santa Paula Emergency Preparedness Event

Santa Paula will be having its 2nd Annual Emergency Preparedness Event September 5th, 2008. This Event will be held along main street in conjunction with the popular Friday night car show. We are looking for CERT to help out! -last years event. Remember to tune to AM 1610 for information.

3rd. Annual Emergency Readiness Training and Exercise

This event will be held in the Sacramento area, this is also around the time of the Great ShakeOut.

CSUCI Drill - Operation Sunrise

A big "Thank you" to Dan Wall for putting on such a great event. What a BLAST! Give a hand to Captain Steve Lazenby for providing the full cert coarse condensed into one long weekend of training!